Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Surgeon meeting #1

This is going to be a long haul. I am already getting so exhausted and it's just from information (and mental and emotional) overload, nothing even physical yet. We left Cherry Hill Swedish at 12:00. Swung by Patagonia to pick-up an emergency bridesmaid dress for my friend Sarah's wedding July 25th. I was starting to stress that time would fly by and I'd have nothing for it (we can pick out any dress, just need to wear black -- how fun!) so at least now I have something. We ate at Aqua Verde outside and debriefed Rob and David Yu while still processing info myself. We kept talking about it all as we walked through U Village. Anthropologie was out of the dress I'd seen in their catalog (good thing we went to Patagonia!) and then a-ha! found another great dress at Banana Republic. Somehow finding all these black dresses are suddenly making me feel like I am sooooo on top of everything.

Hmmm. What an illusion! I could hardly drive back home my head was so heavy (literally), fell asleep on the couch and woke up drooling to my mom calling. Unfortunately not the biggest news other than I'd found two possible dresses!

There was actually a lot of good news today, the ultimate being that I have OPTIONS. Which is great but also what is making my head hurt so much. I can go either way, with a lumpetomy and radiation, OR a mastectomy and probably no radiation. Don't know about chemo till I meet the oncologist. Anyway, it's up to me and what I want. What do I want??? Ay yi yi yi yi.

I liked Dr. Buchanan a lot. She's super smart and I liked talking with her. She has nice hands, I checked them out lots since those are her tools. Here's a photo of her.

I asked my friend (Dr.) Sanders what he thought about different doctors I emailed him, how he would read their bios, etc. since he doesn't know them. He said Buchanan had the best credentials of any of the breast cancer surgeons at Swedish. He made an interesting point that younger doctors are probably trained in more current information and practices, but lack the years of experience, and vice versa for older docs. As far as I was concerned, under her Personal Interests, she hit a home run with me, this might be all I need to know about her:

At the end of the long meeting basically we decided that I need to meet with oncologists and a plastic surgeon to help make my decision. And in all my spare time, meet more surgeons for second opinions and to see if I feel more comfortable with someone else and with what they have to say. Which is good that I like Claire a lot right off that bat, it relieves some stress. Exactly like the black dresses.

So, after meeting a social worker and two more RNs, I got a PILE of business cards dumped in my lap of all the people I need to meet and have appointments with:

Previously scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday 6/18, is my MRI at 1:15 at yet another new place I have to go, First Hill Diagnostic Imaging with Dr. Bruce Porter who everyone keeps alluding to as one of the best radiologists in the city. From there I need to shoot over by 3pm to Fremont to meet Dr. Natalie Freedman at Bastyr who will be going over the results from all my blood work, etc. that we did the first two weeks. The oh-so lovely and talented Txell (pronounced "Che") Ampurdanes will be chauferring me around. I'm excited to spend the afternoon with her!

The pile of cards just added:
Monday 6/22 9:15 meeting with a Genetic Counselor to talk about possibly taking a $3k test to see if I carry the BRCA 1 & 2 genes and the implications of doing that -- and to see if insurance will cover it. And the test once taken takes 3-4 weeks to get results back.

Tuesday 6/23 1pm meeting a Medical Oncologist to talk about systemic ("all over") treatment and the pros & cons of the lumpectomy vs. mastecomy from this angle.

Friday 6/26 3pm meeting my hair stylist for haircut and (dry) happy hour with him. He's very integral to this health plan too, you know!

Saturday 6/27 run a Half Marathon. And this going to happen HOW???

Monday 6/29 1:30pm meeting a Radiation Oncologist to talk about the weather I hope. At 2:30 Running to another part of the same building to meet Dr. Beatty (ok, great omen right there, huh Dan & Sarah!!) as a 2nd opinion surgeon.

Tuesday 6/30 39th Birthday! Yey.

Wednesday 7/1 12:15pm Meeting back up with surgeon Dr. Claire Buchanan again to tell her what I'm going to do.

And not scheduled yet somewhere in there is a plastic surgeon whom two people have recommended to me ("He does beautiful work!"). And find more 2nd opinion doctors.

Claire says she would probably do this surgery in no more than 4-6 weeks. I don't understand the math of that and all I have to do before then. I can
already tell this is going to be the fastest month of my life...


  1. Jenny, this is all giving me a headache. Holy crap. I wouldn't know what to do. I am so against any form of stress that I would probably forgo everything and just say, "ok, lop off my breasts get me some D's and I'm good to go!"
    I am going with the lumpectomy and then local radiation. Even though they do great breast work nowadays I don't know.
    Then again Jenny remember how we used to joke about if both of us had to change 1 thing about you it would be to give you D cups.
    Uh, maybe now is your chance. You gotta look at this with humor. And just think of the awesome low cut dresses you can buy. I will toss some stuff out of my closet your way. Neimans here we come!!!!!

  2. Man-oh-man! What the fuck! I have to say, I've always had a hate-hate relationship with my ta-tas, and I'm with Magda. I'd get perky ones with pretty little nips and go braless for once. Have them custom designed, perhaps. Wow, Jenny. It sounds like you're dealing amazingly well, and I think it's astonishing that you can write about this so clearly and openly, and with humor! Thank you for blogging about it, and let me know if I can help in any way. Perhaps an account of my 8th episode of mastitis?
    Love and wonderful thoughts,

  3. Hi Jenny - You don't know me, but I am a collague of Bruce Buckley. I live in Seattle, too. We were talking this morning and he sent me your blog link. Your situation is very similar to mine. I have a blogspot blog, too: Feel free to check it out. I was diagnosed with IDC in January, and all your scans, procedures, etc. are exactly what I went through. I'm going through chemo now. Happy to share any info if you want to talk. I'm in Greenlake. Good luck with everything.

  4. Perfect pie recipe = home run indeed. Did Dr. CB mention the option of doing the reconstructive surgery @ the same time as the mastectomy? From what i understand this is the way they do it nowadays. What a decision to make. I am here for you to talk and eat and go running. You are the cream in my creampuff. love, rayray.

  5. Hey Jenny!
    I am very confident that you will make the sweetest lemonade out of this extra sharp lemon.Your blog is AMAZING...Keep it up and be as long winded as you please!The graphics rule!


  6. Take it from a girl who's never had breasts (NA "nearly A" bras are too big!) and only recently started shelling out for nice hair - Our happiness has very little to do with our breasts and hair! On the other hand, getting a new pair, paid for with health insurance - that's something I might jump at! Aloha, Dawn
